A qualified and practising business and tax adviser's take (as well as being a recent ex-financial adviser of 25 years and property buyers and sales representative of 17 years), on why a home business offers so many significant, immediate and lasting; business, taxation, wealth and lifestyle benefits that you've not heard about elsewhere.
Warning and Disclaimer: Please understand that I truly believe that whilst all information is supplied in good faith, that nowhere else in Australia will you have the opportunity of duplicating the typical results I get for clients with my proprietary strategy, Deduct Your Home.
This is because since 2001, my company alone set out to create, test and continually refine the intellectual property that underpins all of this firstly upon myself, its director, and only then upon our clients.
At various critical stages throughout, I collaborated closely with the ATO as well as dealt with other regulators such as ASIC and the Tax Practitioners Board and, also with the Office of The Federal Treasurer, which at my direct request, discussed my firm's intellectual property (IP), with the sitting Commissioner of Taxation, to have then reverted in writing directly to me, as requested.
Notable others include a then current former Deputy Liberal Prime Minister, other then current Federal front-benchers and, members of the Federal Opposition along with many others.
All up, I have achieved stunning results along with numerous instances of ATO cooperation with my explicit requests to keep my firm’s IP from residing in the public domain.
It is not unreasonable for me to speculate that the average person (and yes – this includes even the most highly regarded tax professionals in Australia), whom might try something like this on their own, will most likely be unsuccessful precisely because:
1. It's very complicated and hard to get right while you're learning the ropes of this specialist field. And make no mistake, that due to the nature of the cumbersome wheels of government agencies, there is a steep learning curve (which I have gone through) and;
2. Noone else has ever done it like this!
From time to time I use 'virtual scenarios' for vision-building and illustrative purposes only (albeit they are meticulously based on my firm's IP and modelled on what is is real for current clients - and achievable depending on one’s specific realities).
Any and all assumptions herein are based on my past and current examination, testing and interpretation of many Federal and State Legislative Acts and Australian Taxation Office Rulings together which may change in the future.
Such also extends to in-depth analysis and field testing of the application of local government planning policies.
Your potential for gaining profit or loss from running a home-based business has not been expressly factored as I have no way to determine your future prospects and possible results in this regard at this point in time.
Even with my close guidance, your results will vary and depend on several key factors - including, but not limited to - your background, experience, intelligence, current financial capacity, ability to be coached and to implement expert advice, your work ethic and more.
The facts are: all business entails risk, planning, testing and measuring - as well as massive and consistent effort and action.
If you're not willing to accept this, please, DO NOT TAKE ANY FURTHER ACTION either alone, with me or through anyone else.
Mortgage interest rates and capital returns from property change, which can have a direct impact on your financial position over the short, medium and long-term.
I categorically disclaim, any and all liability and/or loss by you on the basis that at this point in time, I have not given you any personal or business advice of any nature whatsoever - being I have NOT collected and analysed information that pertains to your business, financial and personal circumstances which means I cannot comment or advise as to the suitability or otherwise of the information herein as it relates to your situation.
If you want protection under the law, either contact the government agency you beleive appropriate and deal directly with them - or find another firm that has done anything remotely similar or "exactly this".
Alternatively, contact me for a consultation from where it may arise that you become a client, thus affording yourself certain and solid protection under the law.
Taxation and other laws are subject to change as is the interpretation of these laws by the various Commonwealth, State and local regulators. Therefore like all committed professionals, I work hard to keep appropriately abreast however and in particular being that I focus heavily on the home business sector, I hold the view that my expert well-formed, documented and regulator vetted opinions have no peer.
Consequently, I duly caution you against acting upon others' advice taken in this specialist and niche area without, and at the very least, engaging me for a second opinion.
Finally, any and all references to me, my, myself and or I, do for the stated purpose, equally pertain to Genovesi Enterprises Pty Ltd.
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