Deduct Your Home by Intellisolve
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Please read these “Terms Of Use” carefully before engaging any further with this material (i.e. the "Course"), as operated by Genovesi Enterprises Pty Ltd (ABN 93 074 529 589) T/As; Intellisolve. ("Us", We", "Our").

We will provide the training to you, subject to the following terms:

  1. Privacy Policy: Before you first access the course, you agree to have read and accepted our privacy policy [Privacy].
  2. Repeat Access: Every time you access this training, you accept these Terms Of Use.
  3. Copyright & Confidentiality: Save for any material sourced externally and that we have acknowledged accordingly, any and all content published in the Course is Our property and is protected by copyright. As such, you may not use, copy, reproduce, share, reverse engineer or disclose the content without our express written permission.
  4. Injunction: You agree that monetary damages alone may be insufficient protection to Us and that We may therefore seek injunction to prevent you from further violating the above clause.
  5. Applicable Law: The laws of Western Australia govern these Terms of Use and they bind both you plus any and all of your business partners, affiliates, assigns, related entities, related individuals, associates and Us.
  6. License and Site Access: We grant you a 90 day license to access this course for the sole purpose of evaluating its contents for your use.
  7. Limitation of Liability: We categorically disclaim, any and all liability and/or loss by you on the basis that at this point in time, we have not given you any personal or business advice of any nature whatsoever, being we have NOT collected and analysed information that pertains to your business, financial and personal circumstances which means we cannot comment or advise as to the suitability or otherwise of the Course content as it relates to your situation and or to that of your employees. To receive reliable, considered advice that affords you protection under the law, you must formally engage Us to become a client after which, We will issue written advice as to the effect upon your business of Deduct Your Home Teams.
  8. No Assessment By Us: There is no exam or assignment for Us to assess whether or not you eventually pass this Course. Rather, in agreeing to these Terms of Use, you cannot later say that you did not carefully read and self-assess the Course content in terms of its suitability to your situation and commercial aims.
  9. User Account: We reserve the right to terminate your access to this Course and or to edit or remove content, all at Our sole discretion
  10. Background & Context: Since 2001, we alone set out to create, test and continually refine the intellectual property that underpins all of this firstly our director, and only then upon our clients.

At various critical stages throughout, we collaborated closely with the ATO as well as dealt with other regulators such as ASIC and the Tax Practitioners Board and, also with the Office of The Federal Treasurer, which at our direct request, discussed our intellectual property (IP), with the sitting Commissioner of Taxation, to have then reverted in writing directly to us, as requested.

Notable others include a then current former Deputy Liberal Prime Minister, other then current Federal front-benchers and, members of the Federal Opposition along with many others.

All up, we have achieved stunning results along with numerous instances of ATO cooperation with our explicit requests to keep our firm’s IP from residing in the public domain.

It is not unreasonable for us to speculate that the average person (and yes – this includes even the most highly regarded tax professionals in Australia), whom might try something like this on their own, will most likely be unsuccessful precisely because:

  1. It's very difficult to repliate my IP and remain compliant. I have spent decades learning and refining my IP. And make no misake, given the complex and cumbersome nature of government agencies, and the depth and breadth of taxation and business laws involved, there is a very steep learning curve, and;
  2. No-one else has in has my knowledge. I am to sole expert in this field of work.

From time to time we use 'virtual scenarios' for vision-building and illustrative purposes only (albeit they are meticulously based our IP and modelled on what is real for current clients - and achievable depending on one’s specific realities).

Any and all assumptions herein are based on our past and current examination, testing and interpretation of many Federal and State Legislative Acts and Australian Taxation Office Rulings together which may change in the future.

Such also extends to in-depth analysis and field testing of the application of local government planning policies.

Your employees’ potential for gaining profit or loss from running a home-based business has not been expressly factored as we have no way to determine their future prospects and possible results in this regard at this point in time.

Even with our close guidance, their results will vary and depend on several key factors - including, but not limited to; their background, experience, intelligence, current financial capacity, ability to be coached and to implement expert advice, their work ethic and more.

The facts are that all business entails risk, planning, testing and measuring, as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

If your employees are not willing to accept this, please, YOU MUST NOT ENCOURAGE THEM TO BECOME AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR either alone, through us, or through anyone else.

As a home based business contractor, your employees must also understand from us both, that mortgage interest rates and capital returns from property are subjec tto change, and that this potentially impacts their financial position over the short, medium and long-term.

We categorically disclaim; any and all liability and/or loss by your current employees on the basis that at this point in time, neither we or our delegates, have given them any personal or business advice of any nature whatsoever - being no information has been collected and analysed as pertaining to their business, financial and personal circumstances which means it is impossible to professionally comment or advise as to the suitability or otherwise of the information herein as it relates to their situation.

If your current employees want protection under the law, they may contact either the government agency they believe appropriate and deal directly with them, or attempt to find another firm that has done anything remotely similar to, or "exactly this".

With the above said, enrolment of employees into the Deduct Your Home Teams program shall afford each individual employee safe-harbour under the law, as only ourselves or other registered tax agents trained by us, may deliver the service.

Taxation and other laws are subject to change as is the interpretation of these laws by the various Commonwealth, State and local regulators. Therefore like all committed professional practices, we and our delegates work hard to keep appropriately abreast however and in particular being that we focus heavily on the home business sector, we hold the view that our expert well-formed, documented and regulator vetted opinions have no peer.

Insofar as the quantum of your potential business cost savings under Deduct Your Home Teams, our input into this process is intended to assist you in determining this however as micro and macro business and economic factors can and will affect your business and that these are beyond our control and, that overstatements and errors may be made by either side in quantifying such estimates, we will not be held responsible for any lesser savings that you may ultimately realise than as otherwise projected in the feasibility stage prior to your formal enrolment in the program.

Meantime and with further due regard to our expressed unique capability in this space, you are hereby firmly cautioned against acting upon others' advice taken in this specialist and niche area without, and at the very least, engaging us for a second opinion.

Agreement: In accessing any training material beyond this point it is, and without your further signature on this point, hereby deemed that you understand and agree to everything above - and that you did so - only after having firstly read this section.

Copyright © 2020+ Intellisolve. All Rights Reserved
Genovesi Enterprises Pty Ltd T/As Intellisolve
ABN 93 074 529 589

Office and Postal: 33 Oxley Road, DARLINGTON, Western Australia 6070

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Strategy: Intellisolve with Evolve Your Business