Here's what to expect from the process:
1. On submission of your Expression of Interest, Intellisolve performs research on the information provided by you, or otherwise publicly available.
2. Within 1-2 business days, if we deem you are a good candidate, you will receive an email from us with instruction on how to access the training.
Why the Expression of Interest process?
This process ensures our highly specialised proprietary training is made available to the best and most serious of candidates. Our organisation is purposefully small, only taking up to 15 appointments each month. This allows us to work with clients in a deep way.
Contacting us: You can send us an email here.
Privacy: We respect your privacy and do not share or sell your information to 3rd parties. Privacy Policy.
100% Privacy Guaranteed | 100% Secure
Frank Genovesi, CEO Intellisolve
Creator of Deduct Your Home TEAMS